Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Model 04 Preview

For the full video visit:
This video covers an exquisite pose with some fun abstract concepts hidden beneath its facade.  I take on the FORCE journey of the pose and discuss shape and gravity as its partners.


Jamie Iles said...

That was really helpful, made me think about ideas that you can use to further the pose, story...etc. Thanks. I wondered how I can watch the full videos on your website? Thanks.

Jamie Iles said...

I really enjoyed your video. It made me think my own life drawing and how I approach the subject. I wondered how I watch the full videos on your website. Thanks.

Mike Mattesi said...

great to hear that the preview was so helpful. for full videos got to

$10/months get you access to over 70 videos, new one each week and a live lecture with me.