Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Drawing- Gravity, Suspended Pose

For the full video visit:  http://www.drawingforce.com/
Using this suspended pose photographed by  Marcus Ranum. www.ranum.com , I discuss gravity and its relevance to the speed of FORCE in the figure.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

FORCE and Strathmore

Hi Everyone,

Strathmore and I are sharing with the public the videos I created for them and their community last year. 

Here is theYOUTUBE link.




Sunday, November 11, 2012

Drawing- Opinion and Shape

For the full video visit:  http://www.drawingforce.com/
This video uses a photo by  Marcus Ranum. www.ranum.com as an inspiration point to discuss how I use reality to form my opinions and still keep FORCE in mind.