Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to draw FORCE- Face FORCES

For the full video visit:
After numerous requests, I approached the concept of FORCES in the face. This video is the beginning of a complex series of videos on how FORCES effect facial expression and thus, human emotion.
Created on a Cintiq

Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to draw FORCE- Multiple Figures

For the full video visit:
Subscriber Sarah asked me through email if or how FORCE functions when it comes to multiple figures. This video shows you how it all works.  I use two different photos of two couples to present FORCE functioning amongst their figures.  At the videos end, I created my own couples’ pose from imagination using the principles taught while analyzing the photos.
Created on a Cintiq

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to draw FORCE- FORCE Speed

For the full video visit:
Using animation tactics, I present how the curved lines of FORCE are imbued with speed and how you can use this concept as you draw the line.
Created on a Cintiq

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

How to draw FORCE- Camera Angles

For the full video visit:
Perspective relates to the angle with which you perceive the world around you. This video covers two processes to create different angles through a panel of film frame. See how to handle this with global four point perspective and how to create it started with the frame.
Created on a Cintiq

Monday, May 07, 2012

FORCE comes to Strathmore!

Hi everyone,

Sharing with you that I am working with Strathmore, the artist paper we all know and love by sharing four videos about FORCE to the artist community.  One new video is posted every Tuesday for four weeks in the month of May.  The first one went up last Tuesday.  Feel free to watch the videos and join into the forums!

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

How to draw FORCE- Andrew S-Joints and Planes

For the full video visit:
This week we look at Andrew’s drawings and discuss joints in the figure.  Shape and the direction of the joint’s plane are the focuses to resolving the challenges found in the drawings.
Created on a Cintiq